B.L.T. Finger Sandwiches

Makes about 5 full sandwiches, 20 tea sandwiches

  • 1 cup chopped tomatoes, seeds and juices discarded

  • 1 cup chopped bacon

  • 2 cups chopped lettuce, something with some firmness, like romaine or arugula

  • 2 tablespoons Duke's mayonnaise

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • 10 slices Wonder Bread (What?)

In a bowl, stir together all of the ingredients except the bread. Mix them until thoroughly combined, so they're spreadable, but not soupy. You can also do it in a food processor—just a couple pulses per ingredient—and stir in the mayo at the end.

Spread the fully blended mixture in between two slices of bread and cut off the crusts (just do it), then cut each sandwich into four little sandwiches.


  1. About the seeds and juice from the tomatoes: If you're cheap like me, you'll set them aside instead of throwing them in the compost and use them to deglaze a pan and add a little acidity to the next thing you cook. May I recommend dirty rice?

  2. These are best served cold. Refrigerate them for at least an hour before serving.